In Germany, anti-Black racism is pervasive yet often goes unaddressed. Black men face deeply rooted negative stereotypes, and public spaces, including libraries, lack children's books that feature positive, Black-centered stories. This lack of representation leaves Black children without strong role models, impacting their sense of identity and belonging in German society.
Alain founded Black Dads Germany (BDG), the first community for Black men focused on their identity as fathers, to combat these challenges. BDG has grown rapidly, uniting over 1,000 Black fathers across seven cities. Through this platform, Alain empowers these men to become leaders and changemakers in their own communities, providing tools and support for them to build local networks and take active roles in shaping positive narratives of Black fatherhood.
BDG has organized hundreds of events in public spaces, including readings of Black-centered children's books. These events are helping to reshape the public image of Black fatherhood and create a visible, positive presence in German society. Alain also works closely with publishing companies and librarians to introduce more Black-centered children's books into public libraries, influencing curational practices and increasing the demand for diverse literature.
By increasing Black representation in children's literature, BDG offers young Black readers role models they can identify with, fostering a sense of identity and belonging. This is a critical first step toward raising a generation of active citizens and future changemakers.
The Problem
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By encouraging the fathers to start their local groups and adopt BDG’s low-thresholdAs always, we aim to empower the Black literary community in Germany. Our book selection focuses on stories by Black authors and those featuring Black protagonists. This approach has allowed us to showcase remarkable authors like Amanda Gorman, Matthew A. Cherry, Misty Copeland, Justine Canga, Constanze von Kitzing, Lupita Nyong'o, Sophia Gholz, Derek Barnes, Francis Omugha, Dayan Kodua, Jessica Love, Laura Ellen Anderson, Frank Murphy, Vashti Harrison, Michelle Barthley, Corinna Luyken, JR and Vanessa Ford, Sarah S. Brannen, Louisa Oppong, Guy Kabengele, Tayo Awosusi-Onutor, Ngozi Okwuosa, Alex Tetteyfio, Joceline Altevogt, Susan Bee, Dr. Élodie Malanda, and Mariela Georg and many more for the BLACK DADS READERS.
Additionally, many publishers, such as Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, Verlag Monika Fuchs, Magellan Kinder- und Jugendbuch Verlag, Knesebeck Verlag, Carl Auer Kids Verlag, Carlsen Verlag, Agate Publishing, Simon & Schuster Publishing, HaWandel Verlag, and especially Zuckersüß Verlag, Mentor Verlag, Gratitude Verlag, and Nalingi Verlag, and many more, generously support us with wonderful book gifts for the children :)
We are Black Dads
"Fatherhood is an attitude and a state of mind."
We are proud to be Black fathers and ready to show it in many ways: We go for walks with our children, change their diapers, or paint our toenails and our daughters' toenails. We are changing the stereotypes that claim otherwise.
Alain is leading a grassroots movement for Black men in Germany, with a focus on their identity as fathers. Through this initiative, he is reshaping the image of Black fatherhood in German society, while placing Black narratives at the forefront of cultural representation. His work particularly targets future generations, using children's literature as a tool to build positive portrayals of Black families. Alain is inspiring Black fathers to become changemakers within their communities, working toward long-term societal transformation.